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What's The 'Real Scandal' Behind "SCANDAL?": It's Based On the Real Life Story of Someone Who Did 'Dirty Work' for Right-Wing Republicans

Kerry Washington: Star of  "SCANDAL."  (Photo: David Shankbone)
Currently all the rage in the Black community, the Kerry Washington political intrigue program “SCANDAL” is about a Black Woman whose job is to help Washington DC politicos through damaging and embarrassing dilemmas...The result is a kind of female Obama Effect, shrewdly creating a sense of collective racial necessity for placing Brown faces in high imperial places. The most oppressed segment of American society is encouraged to fantasize about becoming the most effective agents of the same empire that is destroying them. Very shrewd indeed.

What’s most interesting about “SCANDAL” is that it’s based on the real life story of a Black woman who got her political start in the Reagan administration and played a key role in getting Clarence Thomas confirmed to the U.S. Supreme Court despite Anita Hill’s charges of sexual harassment. She also helped clean things up for the Republicans during the Iran Contra Scandal. As recently as May of this year, the real life character behind “SCANDAL” represented Paula Deen, the White TV Cooking Show maven who outraged Black America for allegedly admitting she fantasized about “owning slaves”.

So dramatically speaking, this is the woman Black America is cheering for while watching “SCANDAL.”



  1. I watch Scandal for the explicit purpose of admiring the talents of Ms. Washington who I feel is a dynamic actor. The character she portrays has a deficit of my kind of morals.

    What the article suggests is that in an absolute way, Blacks watch and admire the show because of the "fixer". Well, maybe some do Then there are those like I who care about the craftsmanship of a really good actor. Do the latter watch film noir or horror genre because we like the bad guy or for some other more germain reason?
