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George Zimmerman's 'Karma': Killer of Trayvon Martin Arraigned in Same Courthouse of Trayvon Martin Murder Trial

The former neighborhood watchman, who was acquitted of murdering the 17-year-old unarmed teen, was cuffed after a domestic dispute with his reportedly pregnant new girlfriend, Samantha Scheibe. But this isn't Zimmerman's first run-in with the law since the court case, as he was also involved in a domestic conflict in September with his soon-to-be ex-wife, Shellie.

George Zimmerman Mugshot
George Zimmerman is bound for a familiar place — a Sanford, Fla. courtroom.

The pistol-packing former neighborhood watchman will be arraigned on an assault charge Tuesday in the same courthouse where he was found not guilty in the shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin.

Zimmerman, who spent the night in jail, is accused of threatening his new girlfriend with a long-barrel shotgun during a fracas at her Florida home.

And while Zimmerman, 30, had legal heavy hitters Don West and Mark O'Mara in his corner four months ago, for this court appearance he will be relying on a court-appointed attorney named Jeff Dowdy.



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