Global Perspectives Now Global Perspectives Now

NYPD Officer Risks His Job to Speak Out Against "Stop-and-Frisk" Targeting of People of Color

Hero Cop Blew the Lid Off of the NYPD's Racially Discriminatory "Stop-and-Frisk" Practices  and he Backed Up his Claims with Audio Recordings Documenting "Stop-and-Frisk" Quotas 

By Amy Goodman and Nermeen Shaikh, Democracy Now!

Officer Adhyl Polanco saw "Stop-and-Frisk" in practice for himself when his bosses at the NYPD told him and fellow officers they had to meet "Stop-and-Frisk" quotas or face punishment.

Village Voice Cover Story
Polanco made surreptitious recordings of his commanders
describing the quota system. He eventually provided the
recordings to various media outlets including in the Village
Voice which published excerpts. He also served as a key 
witness for "Stop-and-Frisk" victims who challenged the
constitutionality of the practice in court. Office Polanco
was suspended with pay for several years after he publicized
the "Stop-and-Frisk" quotas and when he returned to work
he was placed on "modified duty." Polanco points out that
even he was "Stopped-and-Frisked" as a cop who was
simply on his way to work.


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