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George Zimmerman's Ex-Girlfriend Says He Sent Sex Tape Footage and Images to Her Daughter - As Court Bans Him From Owning Guns

George Zimmerman Mugshot
George Zimmerman.
By Ronald Jackson, November 21, 2013
Right-wingers are accusing Zimmerman's ex-girlfriend, Samantha Scheibe, of pursuing Zimmerman because of his 'fame' and 'setting him up' for public embarassment. However, Scheibe says she knew Zimmerman for 12 years, and dated him before he murdered Trayvon Martin. She claims their relationship was rekindled as his marriage soured. Scheibe says the killer of Trayvon Martin is "fascinated by guns" and sent stills and video from "an intimate home video" they made together to her daughter. Scheibe says that when she demanded Zimmerman get professional "help" for his problems, it sparked renewed conflict between them.

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