Global Perspectives Now Global Perspectives Now

Internet Freedom to Be Limited and Copyright Laws Re-written By Secret Trade Deal

"The Trans-Pacific Partnership would extend the monopoly rights of companies like Monsanto, which has genetic patents over wheat and corn; extend the ability of Disney to criminally prosecute people for downloading films, and prosecute Internet service providers."  -Julian Assange

By Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzales, DemocracyNow!
WikiLeaks has published the secret text to part of the biggest U.S. trade deal in history, the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). For the past several years, the United States and 12 Pacific Rim nations have been negotiating behind closed doors on the sweeping agreement. A 95-page draft of a TPP chapter released by WikiLeaks on Wednesday details agreements relating to patents, copyright, trademarks and industrial design — showing their wide-reaching implications for Internet services, civil liberties, publishing rights and medicine accessibility. DemocracyNow! hosts a debate on the TPP between Bill Watson, a trade policy analyst at the Cato Institute, and Lori Wallach, director of Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch.

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