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Obama - "Put Him Up Against Wall & Shoot Him": Ex-Generals Advocate Coup While Militia Group Advocates Assassination

"Who killed Barack Obama?" (Photo: T. Graham)
"Who killed Barack Obama?" (Photo: T. Graham)
Republicans have become obsessed not with simply impeaching or imprisoning President Obama, but with killing him. And they are quite open about their desires. We just saw how a pair of former generals have dishonored their uniforms by saying Obama must be forcibly removed from office and how a Christian militia group claimed that Jesus and the Second Amendment gives them the right to shoot Obama.


FRACK-QUAKES: Fracking May be Causing Earthquakes - Massachusetts Considers Preemptive Legislation After Mulitple Fracking-Associated Earthquakes in Texas

Haiti Earthquake, photo taken on Jan. 17, 2010: Could the United States face
a super-earthquake caused by Fracking? (Photo: RIBI Image Library)
The Massachusetts legislative move was taken on Friday, the day after Texas was struck by a 3.6 magnitude earthquake, one in a row of similar episodes during the last three weeks. The finger of blame is being pointed at fracking. The series of small earthquakes caused no casualties, but left local Texas residents fearing worse could be in store. 

An environmental committee at Massachusetts Statehouse has approved a bill imposing a 10-year ban on fracking for natural gas. The move comes as a wave of earthquakes in Texas has raised new concerns over the controversial drilling technique.

The Massachusetts fracking moratorium bill is designed to protect the state's drinking water from possible contamination and thus "ensure that the health and prosperity of our communities is maintained," according to one of the legislation's sponsors, Northampton Democratic state Rep. Peter Kocot, cited by AP.

To become law, the temporary ban on fracking has yet to be approved by the lawmakers and signed by the Democratic Governor, Deval Patrick.

The Massachusetts legislative move was taken on Friday, the day after Texas was struck by a 3.6 magnitude earthquake, one in a row of similar episodes during the last three weeks. The finger of blame is being pointed at fracking. The series of small earthquakes caused no casualties, but left local Texas residents fearing worse could be in store.